Wednesday, February 18, 2009

VISION'S OR DREAM'S - A Journey To The Spirit World


If dreams were in fact a representation of ones vision on their subconscious soul, than many of us should havemuch to worry about. If this was true, how many of us would think that we were actually doing the 'right' things in life? Do what we think in our dreams coincide with the ways we we portray ourselves in our awaken state, or are they mearly mixed up thoughts unable to maintain themselves without the conscious self to assist those thoughts? Dreams can have a heavy impact on some of our day to day routines, as if the night before changed our ways of living the next day.

Could our dreams in fact be visions of the future or past, showing us things that in our normal conscious state of mind could never have the ability to comprehend? Perhaps, they are visions showing us another world where we can only go when we are not in control. May our dreams or visions show us our true side of nature? Some people have more intense thoughts while in the dream world then others, why is that? Is it that the people who are more 'pure' than the next, are able to sleep better at night? Many people who see a lot of hardships in their lives seem to have many sleepless nights do to the fact that they are constantl worried or concerned about the world around them, or maybe even themselves.

To this cowboy, many of nights lying arest, I find myself lost in a land I like to call the inevitable paradox. Sometimes my dreams can be really sound, dreaming of prestine feelings that I have never experienced in mynormal conscious state. Most of the time, unfortunately; I found myself in the a zone of the forbidden where no matter what I do, is not good enough. These bloodcurdling and condemnable thoughts, can force me to awaken to sweaty sheets and blankets, and only find a look of disgust when looking into the bedside mirror. All in all, most of the time, it usually ends up with me waking up confused, so my dreams can be a little weird from time to time. So what do your dreams or visions really make of life? Do they say something about our character and/or our morals of life, or are they just another imperfect human trait? You tell me.

VISION'S OR DREAM'S-A Journey To The Spirit World(PRT2)

After the sun has set and the days work is done, most people have one thing in common. At some point we all fall asleep, we lie our heads down, we close our eyes and dream. It's possible that dreams are a form of protection, a way for us to process the daily grind and imagine the possibilities. Dreams also allow you to explore the unknown darkness in relative safety, though some dreams feel all too real. A dream can consist of many different things, from love and death, to the truly unexplainable. Maybe dreams are our own unfinished business trying to work itself out.

The difference between a dream and vision can be complicated, or better yet easily misinterpreted. Some believe dreams tend to be more associated with the past and present, as visions lift the curtain to reveal the future. Although forgetting, sometimes dreams and visions come in similar forms, thus leading to the confusion. A vision may come in the form of a happy hunting ground, reuniting around the great fire with family and friends, or as Calvary charging down on your tribe. To fully understand and absorb the power of a vision, one must purge the need to find a answer.

I feel it is safe to say that most people have had a vision. Do they understand that it was in fact a 'vision'? That is the question. A vision can be compared to a dream, it feels similar and is often about the same concerns.One must focus more on what has been communicated in their vision and less on what you want to see/hear. True visions are closer to real events, if you make your own history, you will eventually repeat that history. A vision is a sneak preview and is not set in stone.


Cowboyz And Indianz

Monday, February 16, 2009



In the old west, life on the road could be a real burden. People had to take in many hardships that we today in society do not even think about or take for granted. Pioneers of their days, many had to travel months in extreme, downright catastrophic conditions. Many encounters on the roads would come in such forms as being caught in blizzards, running into common enemies , losing horses, and worst of all losing their own lives. Civilization was not as far spread as it is today, so being stuck out in the middle of nowhere could have diar consequences on human life. A man/woman could be stranded in a part of the country they have never been, and if they screamed for help at the top of their lungs, chances are that nobody would hear their cries.

Back then, the folks of the west would not go anywhere without bringing weapons, where today it could cost you some heavy jail time. Most of the people on the "road" then, had to hunt and prepare their own food where as today, we have a Dennys every 10 miles. This would create a problem for everyday folk of today, but back then it was a daily ritual. Food was a scarce item for them, so competition for it in the open country could lead to trouble. Many on long trips across the plains of the southern states, would often find themselves confronted by hostiles/thieves of all kinds whom would steal their food, take their weapons, and cash leaving them only a bucket to 'do stuff' in. This also, could have serious effects on human life.

All in all, I think that the way they traveled in that time period 'paved the way' for us modern folk. If you really look at it through the eyes of the men and women that did what they had to do in order to survive, to them it was just everyday life. Most of the people today have a hard time respecting these mens' and womens' hardships, for if they do not have a brand new SUV they are looked at as being "under achievers". Unlike all, some of us are just as happy driving around in that same old 1969 rusty mustang, for it takes us to where we need to be.


In the time before time, travel was a challenge not a leisure activity. These days the trail is just as long but made of asphalt, concrete and steel. It is traveled by tribes of a new breed, on horses with names like Ford, Chevrolet and Honda. The time spent setting up camp is now spent at diners, rest stops or local attractions. The long treacherous road now smoothed over.

The spirit of striking off into the unknown is still alive, bringing with it sensation's of freedom and danger. Although still looked at as an adventure, it should be compared to viewing wild exotic animals at the zoo. There eye's showing the loss of their killer instinct.

Now some would like to say that things have changed for the better over time and that we have come a long way from outhouse's and saloon's. But can one really grasp the full understanding of a lifestyle without experiencing it firsthand. I have to admit, the thought of a journey through hostile Indian country, sounds better with a car.


Cowboyz And Indianz

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cowboyz and Indianz- Introduction

This is the first blog since we started this. I am Cowboy, my friend Indian is not here at the moment so I am just giving this a test run.

Basically this blog is to kick things off with the Cowboyz and Indianz saga. We plan on having many conversations in here, about all sorts of topics ranging from bows and arrows to the color green. We will talk from all angles, pro and con, from both sides of view. We hope that you come by often and give as much imput as you would like for this is going to be a venture in itself. So strap on your spurs and put on your war paint!!!. We will love to hear what you have to say in the future.

Thank You for checking us out.

Cowboyz And Indianz

P.S. In the meantime, I am going to post a chart off of another website showing the diferent kinds of Native Americans and thier different regions/weapons/and skills from around the Continenal United States. Fun Graph. -> Native American Chart